Plant-based pastry...

After training in traditional pastry, the doors of catering opened to me, with its immeasurable repertoire of flavors, smells and colors. I had the chance to work with chefs with incredible knowledge, thanks to whom I was able to discover certain wild edible plants in the heart of the Swiss Alps, improbable fruits and vegetables that I didn’t even know existed and incongruous combinations of flavors. It was at this precise moment of my life that I became aware of the immensity that was offered to me and by which I was fascinated.

While for neophytes vegetable diet often rhymes with exclusion, frustration and boredom, I felt quite the opposite. I saw a ton of new foods, condiments often from cultures that I was unfamiliar with, and with them, an infinity of combinations to explore entering my life.

Having taken my first steps in the food trades in pastry, I quickly wanted to experiment with plant-based pastry which, it must be recognized, is not the simplest approach to plant-based cuisine. In the beginning, I looked more like a sorcerer’s apprentice than of Mr Ladurée. But, with a little patience, a few attempts and a lot of mistakes, I ended up understanding the different tricks for substituting the key ingredients of pastry that are eggs, milk and butter.

"I had the chance to work with chefs with incredible knowledge..." nutritionnal follow up

The process of specializing in nutrition happened naturally, as a logical continuation of my career.

I must say that by adopting a vegan diet, my entourage led me to ask myself a lot of questions about nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Whereas, on the contrary, in an omnivorous diet, these type of questions are less frequently raised.

And yet, did you know for example that anyone over the age of 65, regardless of diet, should supplement with vitamin B12?

By getting into nutrition, I had opened Pandora’s box.

Today my main objective is to pass on my acquired and future knowledge to my patients and to anyone wishing to take care of their body, and of its millions of workers who work every day behind the scenes to ensure its harmonious functioning.

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