Atelier cuisine parents

Parents workshop

These workshops start from the premise that the more foods and flavors you introduce to your child at a young age, the more you will expand his sensory catalog. Even if certain levels of growth make your child more demanding and more critical of the meals you present to him, nurturing his curiosity by offering him a wide range of tastes will give him an open mind, benchmarks and good reflexes. These workshops will allow your child to sharpen his personality and culinary creativity.

Our children are the future, in the environmental context that we all know, making them aware of a diet rich in vegetables is like a first step to opening their consciousness to the world that is ours. It is in this dynamic that the choice of menu on which we will work will be vegetarian or even vegan according to demand.

Book a workshop

"I will give you organisational and methodological tips on the fundamentals of cooking."

Course of the workshop

1 – We will begin these workshops with a theoretical part where I will give you guidelines concerning the recommended balance according to the different stages of development in children. My remarks will be supported by a deliberately popularized educational support to make its content accessible to all and allow you, once at home, to be able to refer to it easily whenever you feel the need.

* The « future mother’s workshops will focus more on nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding or postpartum to ensure you as much vitality and serenity as possible during this period that puts your body to the test.

* As part of the parents / grand-parents workshops, the theoretical part will be widely adapted.

2 – Then we will go to the kitchen to put into practice and develop the recipes that we will have discussed.

3 – Finaly we will end our session by testing your creations, which will allow us to discuss nutrition one last time.

Useful information


Duration of the workshop: 3h
Price: 130 CHF

These workshops are for beginners to daily cooks.


Duration of the workshop: 1h30
Price : 120 CHF for an adult + a child from 8 to 12 year old


Duration of the workshop: 2h30
Price: 120 CHF

On request only – contact me.

The following workshops

The first workshops will be available soon, do not hesitate to contact me for any information.

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